Solving the Dinner Dilemma: A Game-Changing Approach for Busy Mums

I understand the daily struggle of planning dinners that cater to every family member’s taste preferences. It can be exhausting, time-consuming, and downright frustrating. But fear not, because today, I’m sharing a game-changing approach that will transform your dinner routine and make life a whole lot easier. Picture this: You’re in the kitchen, juggling multiple pots and pans, trying to prepare three different meals to suit everyone’s taste buds. It’s a familiar scenario, right? I’ve been there too, and it can be incredibly draining, both mentally and physically.

The pain points are clear:

  •  The need to cook separate meals for each family member

  •  The frustration of spending extra time and effort in the kitchen

  •  The mountain of dishes that seem to never end

  •  The constant battle against your vision of an ideal family mealtime

But what if I told you that there’s a simpler way to tackle this dinner dilemma? In my recent podcast episode - 5, I explored a revolutionary strategy to make meal planning less stressful and more enjoyable.

Here’s the secret: Deconstruct your meals and make smart swaps based on your child’s taste preferences.

Let’s break it down:

  • Deconstructing Meals: Instead of preparing entirely separate dishes, split your meal into thirds - protein, veggies, and carbs. This approach saves time and effort, as you’re only dealing with one main dish.

  • Smart Swaps: If your child doesn’t like a particular element of the meal, such as protein or veggies, make easy substitutions. For example, replace meat with nuts, canned tuna, or leftovers like chicken nuggets. Swap out disliked veggies for those your child enjoys.

  • Learning to Like: Introduce small portions of the foods your child is hesitant about, without pressure. These are the “test foods” placed in a separate learning bowl. A “no thank you” bowl allows them to spit it out if they wish, reducing the pressure to eat.

By following this approach, you not only simplify your dinner preparation but also create a positive mealtime environment where your child can gradually learn to like new foods. It’s about making progress, not aiming for perfection.

So, why should you give this method a try? Because it’s time to:

  • Save precious time and reduce kitchen frustration

  •  Lower your mealtime stress levels

  •  Encourage your child to become a more adventurous eater

  •  Enjoy nutritious meals that both you and your family can relish together

If you’re ready to transform your dinner routine and say goodbye to the hassle of cooking multiple meals, tune in to our latest podcast episode

Let’s make feeding our kids a breeze, one delicious meal at a time. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection. 

…and if you are really serious about changing the way your family eats for good, check out my Nourishing Kids membership HERE!

Jommel Monjardin